Need Help?

If you need help with using our app and can’t find an answer below, please reach out directly to or use our contact page. We are standing by to help however we can.

If you are having trouble accessing the app, the best first step is to try a password rest. You can reset your password by clicking here.

Yes! My Invite List is really free. You may be wondering well then how do we make money. We offer additional services like envelope printing that help offset our development costs. We also have 2 great wedding invitation partners who advertise on our site to help with our expenses.

Once you login to the app you will see a menu item called “Download”. Here you will see 3 options to export your addresses. CSV, Text Format, or Excel Format. If you need a different format we recommend downloading one that is closest to your need and converting it using your own tools. Reach out if you need a specific format that is not offered and we will see what we can do to help.